Silverlight in the News

I had a few interviews recently which have started to show up in print/online. I point them out because I think this blog is mostly read by my mom and my sister. Actually, they probably don’t read this either but when my memory finally goes completely, I can meander over here and read about how I had an interesting time in the software industry. So back to the interviews: the best surprise was a story in USA Today that had started out as a piece prompted by Adobe about Flash video but ended up titled “Microsoft’s Silverlight heats up fight for online video players“. A thirty minute interview landed me the shortest quote I’ve ever had in an article but the title alone was well worth the time invested. Ironically, that little election thingie we had last week meant that I couldn’t find a single copy of the newspaper on a stand anywhere.

On a related note, a story in the UK Register mentioned that Adobe held a press conference in San Jose to tell the press that Silverlight is unsuccessful and they’re not worried about it. Holding a press conference is absolutely the best way to convince people that you’re not concerned about something, right? Mission accomplished! Hi fives all around! To be fair, I wasn’t there and maybe the point of the conference was about global warming or how great Adobe’s cafeterias are (the Macromedia cafeteria in SF was pretty darn good I say). Either way, I don’t think we’ll be adopting that sort of PR strategy any time soon.

Moving right along, we also have an article here that talks a bit about our recent launch and why developers should care: .NET Out of the Box

More to come soon…