What’s that yellow thing in the sky?

There’s a reason that all the trees in Seattle are green.
Now, I knew before moving here that it was supposed to be drizzly but the locals downplayed it adroitly. I grew up in South Florida with that steamy jungle climate that retirees love and I can’t stand, lived in Oklahoma where it’s below freezing in the winter and triple-digits in the summer, and San Francisco where it’s cold and foggy–in July. I couldn’t see what everyone was complaining about in Seattle until December rolled around…and it rained for 28 days straight. Apparently this is not entirely typical–in fact, it almost broke the record from 1953 for most consecutive days of rain but that’s small comfort in my book. Two days ago it was raining again and barely above freezing. Then starting yesterday–sunshine and sixties. Huh?
Of course, I heard SFO was actually closed down in the bay area two days ago because the weather was so bad there so I guess it’s pretty clear that no one escapes Mother Nature’s wrath.
update: before I could post this, the sun disappeared, it starting raining, and then stopped ten minutes later and the sun popped back out again.


3 responses to “What’s that yellow thing in the sky?”

  1. Scott Stroz Avatar
    Scott Stroz

    ‘The big yellow one is the sub’ –
    /me waits for someone to get the reference….

  2. orgreeno Avatar

    Too funny… I live in Sarasota and we are considering moving. One place on my list is WA. My wife says that it rains too much there. Is it too much rain to handle?

  3. Scene I:
    A dull and dreary day.
    What else can you say?
    Don’t feel too bad. I live in MI and here the rain is white in the winter. We keep it in big piles by the side of the road.
    Yellow sub, got it.
    Scott…how long can you tread water?